Using Gymnastics Skills Outside the Gym

All of your training in the gym allows you to compete and perform fantastically during meets, but have you ever wondered what else you could do with your hard-earned gymnastics skills? Here are some fun ideas for now to use your gymnastics skills outside of the gym!

Seaside Gymnastics LeotardImprove your dancing!

Creating small dance routines can be a lot of fun! Jumping, turning, and stepping to the beat are good ways to express yourself and exercise. Adding some flips, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, and handsprings to your fun dances will surely make them unique, elaborate, and impressive!

Then, you can teach these dances to your friends and family! @gymnast_kaciemae recommended this on our last What’s Up Wednesday: “I like to make up dances and routines with my friends and also teach my baby brother gymnastics.”

Make your photos more dynamic!

Photos are a great way to capture memories from different events. There are so many cute poses that you can do in a photo, but why not try mixing it up by performing a handstand, a leap, or a kick for the picture? These poses will look very dynamic and fun.

Doodles Gymnastics Leotard

@harperthegoldgymnast recommended something similar on our last What’s Up Wednesday: “I do different poses in handstands in front of cool memory-keeping things.”

Help others!

The skills that you learn in the gym can be used to help others outside of the gym! Perhaps you can use your flexibility to reach the ground and return a dropped item to someone, or use your beam skills to balance up on a ladder and retrieve an item someone else can’t reach.

Doing something kind for another person is always a good thing, and using your skills to aid others can add to the pride you have in your hard work in the gym.

@gymkidsyd recommended something similar on our last What’s Up Wednesday: “Balance comes in handy every day!”

Strength and Confidence

There’s more to gymnastics than flexibility and fun. This sport teaches gymnasts how to be strong physically and mentally, and gives them the confidence to take on the world!

Gymnasts learn how to overcome obstacles, how to support their friends and teammates, and how to learn and grow from their struggles and mistakes. They gain confidence from their successes and learn how to deal with losses gracefully. Gymnastics teaches much more than athletic skills – it teaches life skills!

For more information about the benefits of gymnastics and some tips for training at home, check out this article from!

Elephants gymnastics leotard

We hope you got some inspiration on how to use your gymnastics skills outside of the gym from these ideas! How would you use your gymnastics skills outside the gym? Let us know in the comments below!