Handling a Tough Time in the Gym

As we continue into 2023, many of you may be working on your New Year’s Resolutions, whether that’s learning a new skill or overcoming a fear. During this time of improvement and learning, you may find yourself struggling to land that new skill you’re learning just right or to build up the courage to try that skill you can’t quite figure out. Making a mistake because of this or other reasons during practice, or a meet, never feels good. A mess-up or a fail can make you feel sad, angry, scared, or embarrassed, and that’s natural. It’s important to remember that we’re only human though, and mistakes can happen! While it’s nearly impossible to avoid making mistakes every now and then, here are some helpful tips from our very own Snowflake fans on how to cheer yourself up or overcome the negative feelings that come with mess-ups and fails.

Gymnast posing in a pink gymnastics leotard.

“I take a deep breath and figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it. Then I do at least 2 or 3 more good ones before I move on!”

  • @gia_athlete

Focusing on how to improve is more important than fixating on the past that can’t be changed, and reassuring yourself with a few more successful tries is a great and fun idea!

“Get up and try again.”

  • @life_with_albc

Brushing off your mistakes and moving forward is a great way to get past the sadness or anger you may feel, and the joy you’ll get when you succeed will make you forget about the past mistake even more!

Gymnast modeling a blue gymnastics leotard.

“My eyes will start to water up a little bit, but I will wipe my eyes and take a deep breath, find out what I did wrong, find out what I need to do to make it better, and I will tell myself ‘You got this! You can do it!’”

  • @mommyofmaddy11

Figuring out how to improve and encouraging yourself with kind and confident words can help to boost your mood, courage, and determination!

“I cry sometimes, and I tell myself not to give up and keep trying. I take a deep breath and remind myself tomorrow is a better day!”

  • @flipping_gymnastmayal

Feeling sad when you make a mistake is natural, but overcoming that sadness with determination and positive thinking will help you succeed and improve!

We hope that some of this advice from fellow gymnasts can help you if you need to handle and overcome a struggle in the gym. Do you have any advice for triumphing tough days at the gym? Share them in the comments below!