Ways to Earn Money for Gymnastics Leotards

Most gymnasts have heard it before: “If you want a new gymnastics leotard, you need to help pay for it.”

It’s always fun to get a new gymnastic leotard. With new designs coming out all the time, it’s hard to choose just one…or a few…or a LOT! Let’s face it: gymnasts want all the leotards they can get. But a gym parent will only buy so many before the infamous “you need to help pay for it.”

There are lots of fun and easy ways to save up money to treat yourself to a new leotard! We’ve got a few ideas here:

Start with a Savings Jar

Find a piggy bank or jar you can use to save money in. You could even decorate the outside of the jar to make it fun! Put a picture of the leotard you’re saving for on the jar, so you’re encouraged to keep saving. As you earn money, drop it in the jar to save. Watch your jar fill up over time! Each week you can count your money so you know how much you’ve saved. Once you reach your goal, get yourself a new leotard!

Save your Allowance

This is the easiest way to earn money. If you already get an allowance, start saving all or some of it in your new savings jar. If there are lots of things you’re saving up money for, separate the allowance into different jars so you can keep track of how much you’ve saved for each item.

If you don’t get an allowance, you can talk to your parents about starting an allowance. You’ll need to show you can be responsible to earn your allowance, so set up a list of the chores you can do around the house each week. You could take on chores like feeding the pets, doing the dishes, or taking out the garbage. Decide with your parents if your allowance should be given weekly or monthly.

Making Money

If an allowance isn’t enough, there are other ways you can make money! Here are some examples:

  • Have a garage sale. Clean out your room and find old toys and clothes you don’t use anymore. Then, organize a garage sale to earn a little extra money!
  • Walk dogs. Do your neighbors have dogs? Ask if they need a dog walker. It’s great exercise, and a great way to earn some extra money!
  • Recycle cans and bottles. Many states in the US have programs in place where you can turn in aluminum cans and plastic bottles for money. Do a little research and see if any recycling centers in your area pay for cans and bottles. Then, make it your chore to sort out the cans and bottles from the other recycling in your house. Once you collect up a good amount of recycling, have a parent take you to the recycling center and sell it for money!

It can be hard to save up enough money for a new leotard. With some dedication and hard work, you can do it!

Do you have a great way of saving money for leotards? Let us know in the comments!