Why Dance Classes are a Great Option for Summer

Written by Olga Mueller

As summer approaches, many families start to look for activities that can keep kids active, engaged, and off the couch. If you’re the parent of a gymnast, you may also be looking for an activity that can serve a dual function - be fun and a benefit to gymnastics training.

So with that in mind, are dance classes a good summer option for gymnasts? The answer is YES - and here’s why:


Dance requires a lot of flexibility, so whether it’s ballet, hip-hop, jazz, or tap, there will be (or should be) a lot of flexibility training. Increased flexibility can help your gymnast become more graceful, and can help protect against injury.

Strength and Endurance

Did you know that in the 16th century, ballet was used to train men in the arts of war such as fencing and jousting? Dance builds strength, especially in the legs and ankles, and helps athletes learn to keep their cores stable.

Mental Focus

When you think of discipline and mental focus in dance, ballet may be the first style that comes to mind, but all forms of dance require mental focus and concentration. Dance will help your gymnast continue to build on this important skill while learning something new.

Expression and Improvisation

Dance can be a big part of gymnastics, especially in mat and beam routines, but some gymnasts still feel awkward or self-conscious when adding new dance elements into their routines. Dance classes can help give gymnasts the confidence they need to add more artistic elements to their performances.


When it comes to teaching great posture, nothing beats ballet. Athletes at any level can benefit from better posture, but it’s especially helpful for gymnasts and can turn a good routine into an amazing routine.

A New Experience

Even if they love gymnastics, most kids still want to try new things, and some may also feel burnt out in the gym by the time summer rolls around. Dance will give your child a chance to experience something new while building on gymnastic fundamentals - great form, flexibility, balance, posture, mental focus, and fluidity. Dance classes will help your child master these skills.

Reasonable Cost

Next to other sports that require lots of new equipment, dance classes can be relatively inexpensive. You may need to purchase dance shoes or slippers, but you should be able to use a lot of your child's gymnastics wardrobe, such as leotards, unitards, and workout shorts, for dance classes.

Whether your child is interested in ballet, contemporary, jazz, or hip-hop, dance can be extremely beneficial for gymnastics training, and also a lot of fun!