Gym Parent Advice

Did you know that Snowflake Designs was founded by a gymnastics mom? LaDonna Snow started making her then 2-year-old daughter gymnastics leotards almost 40 years ago. Fast forward almost 40 years and that 2-year-old daughter, Kindra, is now the President of Snowflake. We have several other gymnastics moms on our team here at Snowflake as well! So, we have a lot of personal experience and knowledge that we want to share with each of you to help you and your gymnast have the best experience possible! Read below for some gymnastics parent tips!

  1. Conquering Fears in Gymnastics

    How to Conquer Fears in Gymnastics

    Conquering fears in gymnastics can be difficult, but it’s a necessary part of not only the sport of gymnastics but also in life. When you overcome your fears, there are so many things that you can do! Today, we’re going to share what some of our Snowflake fans pledge to do without fear, and how you can help yourself to overcome any fear you have! Then, we’ll show a few more messages from the Snowflake family about what gymnastics fear they have overcome!

    Today, I will ____ without fear!



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  2. How to Balance Online School and Gymnastics

    Hello gymnasts! We know that a lot of you are going back to school around this time, and many of you are returning to your education via online classes and meetings. Along with the difficulty of online classes, we know that you are also continuing gymnastics practice, whether that is at home or in the gym. This can all become a huge balancing act, so Snowflake Designs has come up with some tips to help you manage your time and stay on track in both school and gymnastics. Even if you are going back to school like normal, you can still use these tips to be successful!

    Keep Track of Class Times and Due Dates

    One of the struggles of school is making sure that all of your homework is done on time. You might find it easier to

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  3. Appreciating Your Gymnastics Coaches

    Gymnastic coaches do so much for their gymnasts, from teaching skills and helping their students perfect those skills to being the cheerleaders and support system for their gymnasts at meets. As we gear up for National Gymnastics Day, let's show our favorite coaches some love! To recognize all of their hard work and dedication, Snowflake Designs wanted to give you some ideas for how you can show appreciation for your coach. We also wanted to highlight the answers from one of our previous What’s Up Wednesdays, where we had some Snowflake fans give their coaches a shout-out, and tell us why their favorite gym coach is so special to them!

    What should I do to show my gymnastics coach that I appreciate them?

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  4. Maintaining Friends at Gymnastics

    Gymnastic besties, gym squad, teammates, family, gym sisters… there are so many different ways to name a gymnast’s friends in the gym. Friendships built in the gym are special and unique from those built in the schoolyard or anywhere else. Gymnastics friendships are built on a mutual love for the sport of gymnastics, and a strong loyalty to your gym. You’re on the same team and work together daily to strengthen your team to perform the best you can in meets. Gymnasts are teammates by chance, but become friends by choice. These athletes spend hours every day together, doing what they love and working hard through easy times and challenges. Because of all this time spent together, many gymnasts call their teammates their gym family, or their gym sisters.

    Last week, we asked you guys on our social media to describe your gym bestie, and we got to hear all the wonderful things about your best friends! We were glad to see so many young gymnasts complimenting each other and sharing how

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  5. Challenge Your Family with Gymnastics

    Challenge Your Family with Gymnastics

    Gymnast's lives are very busy! Running from school to the gym every day means they don't spend a lot of time at home. When gymnasts do get some time at home, that means they can have family time! But what can you do to mix up things at home and have a little family fun? Teach your family gymnastics, of course! We've compiled a few gymnastics "challenges" you can bring to your family to add some fun to your days at home!

    Always remember to stay safe when practicing gymnastics at home! Do not attempt advanced tumbling or bar exercises. Check with your coach for safe exercises to do at home, to make sure you and your family stay safe and injury-free!

    The Outfits

    Before you start your

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