Best Snacks for Gymnasts

Gymnastics takes a lot of energy. Whether it is a long practice or a competition, you need to make sure you are fueled for your day to be able to perform your best.

Picking what to eat can be confusing with so many different options and opinions on what is best to fuel athletes. The most important thing to keep in mind is to pick food that is healthy and makes YOU feel good. Every gymnast is different and needs different things to perform at their best. Try to find what makes you feel energized and makes your body feel good so that you can do your best gymnastics!

It is important to make sure you eat a balanced meal before your practice or competition but it is also just as important to pack quality snacks for right before and in between events.

Here are some of our favorite snack choices for gymnasts:

“Ants on a Log”

Ants on a Log

“Ants on a log” is a classic snack in every household! All you need are some celery sticks, peanut butter (crunchy or smooth), and raisins. Cut the celery sticks into smaller pieces, a little longer than a finger’s-length. Spread the peanut butter in the “dent” of the celery and sprinkle a few raisins on top of the peanut butter. This combination is delicious and offers a mix of many of the food groups. Plus, it’s extremely easy and fairly inexpensive to make! This snack is a perfect way to get some protein, healthy fats, and vegetables in your gymnast!



Popcorn, although it may taste and look like an unhealthy snack, is very beneficial to your body, as long as you don’t add an excess amount of butter or oil. Air-pop some popcorn and put it into a small Tupperware or snack bag along with some toppings, such as salt, chocolate (maybe a drizzle, chocolate chips, or candies), or even cinnamon! It’s a super easy snack to eat on the go and it’s not very messy, so it can be eaten while keeping the car clean! It is also very light, making it a perfect snack for gymnasts that do not like having a full stomach while doing flips!

Nuts and Trail Mix

Trail Mix

Nuts are very healthy, filling, and easy to eat without making a mess, which makes them perfect for on the go snacks. Some healthy nuts include almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, and pecans. You can make eating nuts more enjoyable by making a trail mix out of them! Add some raisins, chocolate candies, pretzels, or cereals to add some fun and flavor to a healthy snack. This snack provides sustainable energy, perfect for long gymnastics practices or competition days.

Fruit Smoothies

Fruit smoothie

Smoothies are a super tasty and simple way to get in your daily fruit. Plus, you can enjoy them while on the move. Putting some strawberries, peach slices, lemonade, and a bit of ice into a blender can result in a sweet and sour-strawberry lemonade and peach smoothie! There are so many other recipes for smoothies out there, so explore and see which ones are for you! Smoothies are also a great post-practice snack for gymnasts when some protein is added!

Fruit and Fruit “Chips”

Dried apple chips

Fruit is one of the healthiest foods you could possibly eat. They’re full of necessary vitamins and lack many fats, and hold so many other benefits. Some of the healthiest fruits include pineapples, avocados, blueberries, apples, strawberries, and bananas. You can cut these fruits up and place them in a Tupperware container for an awesome fruit salad! Many fruits can also be turned into fruit “chips”, like apples, pineapples, bananas, and strawberries. Cut up the fruit into thin slices and place them in the oven on a baking sheet (different fruits require adjusted times and temperatures, so find a way that works for you). You can also add other toppings, like cinnamon or a small amount of sugar, to enhance the flavor. Place these into a plastic bag for a snack on the go or in your gym bag for a mid-practice refuel!

If you’re in a super-rush and can’t make or pre-make a snack on the go, you can try these prepackaged yet still healthy options!

While bananas are an outlier in this category by not exactly being “prepackaged”, cutting and preparing them in a bag or making them from scratch (like the snacks in the previous list) is not required! They already come in their own “packaging”, and are easy and fast to eat with plenty of benefits. Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium, both important to the body.

Although it may seem difficult, eating healthy with a busy schedule can be super easy and yummy! These are all easy snacks that can be prepared well before practice to save time later or can be bought prepackaged at the store, and they’re all easy to eat on-the-go!

Granola and Protein Bars

Granola Bars pack a lot of healthy elements into one small, easy-to-carry, and mess-free snack. While some bars can contain sweeteners and sugars, many are a healthy source of improving heart health and a source of fiber and protein.

Cheese Sticks

Cheese sticks, or string cheese, is a very convenient and healthy snack that can be eaten quickly on the go with no mess! String cheese is a great source of calcium, plus it’s fun and fast to eat!

Carrot Sticks

Carrots have a lot of health benefits, including possessing antioxidants and potassium, and carrot sticks make eating carrots on the go fast and easy.

Whole Grains

Try a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter as a healthy, tasty alternative. You could also top it with bananas for an instant boost.

Greek Yogurt and Cereal

Greek yogurt provides an ideal mix of carbs, fats, and protein to help sustain you. It is also light and easy on the stomach for gymnasts who do not like feeling too full.

Add in some whole grain cereal for a nice crunch and to help provide you with even more energy.

Drink Options

Water is your number one most important item to bring to practice and competition. Make sure to keep your water bottle filled and with you as much as possible. Staying hydrated can make a huge difference in your performance. It keeps your tendons and muscles flexible and able to work properly, which is very important in gymnastics.

It's also a good idea to bring drink options with carbohydrates, like Gatorade or Powerade, to fuel you further.

Practice & Compete like a Champion

There are plenty of other healthy snack options to consider. Just make sure to avoid foods that could cause you to crash quickly, like those high in sugar or caffeine, or spicy or fried foods that could upset your stomach. Find what makes you feel the best and what helps you perform your best gymnastics!


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