Meet, Shelley!


Say hello to Shelley! She's been with Snowflake Designs since 2009 and helps make sure your orders are getting to you. Ordering from Amazon, Etsy, or EBAY? You're probably ordering from Shelley!

What do you do at Snowflake Designs? I do customer order data entry, process shipping, and internet sales (Amazon, Etsy, and eBay).

How long have you worked here? I have worked at Snowflake 5 ½ years.

What's your favorite part of working at Snowflake? My favorite part of the job is being responsible for what I do. It allows me to set personal goals, and try to do what I can to make them happen. I love the flexibility of Snowflake Designs in regards to working hours, and being allowed to bring our children into the facility if the situation arises that we cannot leave them home.

What's one thing that no one knows about you? One thing that my family knows about me is that I am extremely emotional.

Which leotard is your favorite? My favorite leotard is the Polished in the Tank style. It looks great in all color combinations.