Gymnastics Tips and Tricks

Who better to get gymnastics tips and tricks from than gymnastics experts?! Our team here at Snowflake is full of gymnastics experts with a variety of experiences and knowledge in the sport of gymnastics. We have former gymnasts, former & current gymnastics coaches, gymnastics moms, and former dancers on our team that allow us to provide you with the best gymnastics tips and tricks! Read below to become and expert in gymnastics yourself!

  1. Why Hydration is Critical for Gymnasts

    Why Hydration is Vital for Gymnasts

    Gymnastics is a sport that demands strength, precision, and flexibility. From graceful leaps on the beam to powerful flips on the floor, gymnasts push their bodies to the limit in pursuit of excellence. Yet, amid the focus on technique and strength training, one fundamental aspect often overlooked is nutrition and hydration. Lucky for you, Snowflake Designs is a team full of former gymnasts and coaches with a great understanding of optimal nutrition and hydration when it comes to gymnastics! Check out our best nutrition tips for gymnasts here. But now, let's take a look at why hydration is so important for gymnasts. 


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  2. Gymnastics Competition Season Tips | Visualization

    Gymnastics Competition Season Tips Visualization

    Welcome to a new series, Gymnastics Competition Season Tips!

    This series will focus on providing tips and tricks to keep you on your A game this gymnastics competition season! In this post, we will focus on the importance of visualization and how it can improve your performance at gymnastics competitions.

    Gymnastics visualization is when you imagine yourself doing your skills and routines in your head. There are many reasons that gymnasts have used this technique for many years:

    1. Mind-muscle connection is very real! You want to be able to picture yourself doing perfect routines in your head so that your body can work to match it.
    2. It allows more routine repetitions without physically having to do the numbers. This is very helpful when your training is limited due to an injury.
    3. It builds confidence through these extra
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  3. Tips to Prevent and Treat Chapped Hands, Rips & Cracks

    Tips to Prevent and Treat Gymnastics Rips on Hands

    If you're a gymnast, you know what "gymnastics hands" are! Gymnasts have callouses on their hands from the uneven bars. The more that you practice gymnastics, the more your hands are susceptible to ripping. Ripping is when a piece of callus rips open. Some rips are very small while others could be the size of the palm. Some bleed and some don't, but most are uncomfortable and sometimes painful. You can also get rips on your wrist if your wristbands or grips start rubbing your skin. Rips are usually due to hands that are either too soft or too calloused. A gymnast’s hands need that perfect balance of being tough without being rough to avoid rips. However, there is no magic solution to completely avoid rips, they are just a part of gymnastics! We do have a few tips to help you avoid them as much as possible and for treating gymnastics rips when you do get them.

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  4. Motivational Quotes For Gymnasts

    Motivational Quotes For Gymnasts

    Let's be honest - there will be a time when you want to give up. A time when the hard workouts, long competition weekends, and most challenging skills get the most of you. Don't give up! We've compiled a handful of the Snowflake Designs' team's favorite inspirational quotes. Save them to help you through those tough times.

    1. "Jump off the beam, flip off the bars, follow your dreams, and reach for the stars." - Nadia Comaneci

    2. "Strive for progress, not perfection." - Unknown Author

    3. "Everyone

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  5. Tips to Help Prevent Repetitive Stress Injuries

    Avoiding injury is important for any athlete, and gymnasts are no exception. With most gymnasts training year-round, it's no wonder that repetitive stress injuries can be a very common occurrence.

    What is Repetitive Stress Injury?

    Repetitive stress injuries, also known as RSIs, are injuries that occur due to recurrent overuse or improper use. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the best-known repetitive stress injuries, often affecting typists, writers, and checkers at the grocery store.

    RPI's are becoming more common in young athletes because many kids are now specializing in one sport at an earlier age, continually using the same muscle groups in the same manner, repetitively. This can lead to muscle imbalance, which in turn can lead to stress injuries when combined with

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