Game Time!

Summer is here, which means that it is time for fun and games! Snowflake Designs has the perfect game for all gymnasts: trivia! We have compiled a list of 10 different, gymnastics-themed trivia questions to test your gymnastics knowledge. This game can be played by yourself, with family, or with friends (in-person or through video chat)! We have also provided a print-out that can help you put your answers to paper and keep track of your score.

Gymnastics trivia game by Snowflake Designs.

Without further ado, here are the Gymnastics Trivia Questions! Have fun, and good luck!

Question 1: What are the two gymnastics events that both women and men compete in?

Question 2: In what year did Katelyn Ohashi’s perfect 10.0 floor routine go viral?

Question 3: How many Olympic and World Championship medals has Simone Biles won in total?

Question 4: Who was the first ever gymnast to receive a perfect 10.0 at the Olympics?

Question 5: When did women gymnasts first compete in the Olympics?

Question 6: True or False: In Ancient Greece, gymnastics was used to prepare warriors for battle.

Question 7: How old do you have to be to be an Olympic gymnast?

Question 8: The term “leotard” came from which person, who made the garment popular?

Question 9: According to studies, on average, how old are most future professional gymnasts when they start practicing gymnastics?

Question 10: Who has the “coolest” new summer leotard collection?



1: Floor and Vault

2: 2019

3: 37

4: Nadia Comaneci

5: 1936

6: True

7: 16

8: Jules Léotard

9: 2 years old

10: Snowflake Designs!