Gymnastics in Different Languages

How to Speak “Gymnastics” in Different Languages

If you are part of the gymnastics community, then you know just how big the gymnastics world is. Almost every country has a gymnastics program of some kind. Most of which extend as high as Olympic-level gymnasts.

Even though you can find gymnastics all over the world, in the USA, we have a lot of gymnastics community members from other countries. Some of the best and most well-known gymnasts, coaches, and judges are from a different country.

If you are part of the gymnastics community, then you also know that we have a unique language that non-gymnasts do not understand. Such as the names of skills or when you are talking about deductions and level progressions, this is a foreign language to non-gymnasts even though we know exactly what is being said.

With that being said, we thought it would be fun to do some research on how other countries use gymnastics language!

We started off with figuring out how to say ‘gymnastics’ in other languages:

‘Gymnastics’ in French: Gymnastique

‘Gymnastics’ in Italian: Ginnastica

‘Gymnastics’ in Spanish: Gimnasia

‘Gymnastics’ in Russian: Gimnastika

Check out how to say ‘gymnastics’ in more languages here: (

Next, we looked at how to say ‘leotard’ in different languages:

‘Leotard’ in French: Collant

‘Leotard’ in Italian: Body

‘Leotard’ in Russian: Kupalnik

‘Leotard’ in Spanish: Leotardo

Check out how the say ‘leotard’ in more languages here:

Snowflake Designs enjoyed learning how to say gymnastic words in different languages and hopes you did as well! Let us know in the comments below if your coach or gymnast speaks a different language!