Gymnastics Tips and Tricks

Who better to get gymnastics tips and tricks from than gymnastics experts?! Our team here at Snowflake is full of gymnastics experts with a variety of experiences and knowledge in the sport of gymnastics. We have former gymnasts, former & current gymnastics coaches, gymnastics moms, and former dancers on our team that allow us to provide you with the best gymnastics tips and tricks! Read below to become and expert in gymnastics yourself!

  1. Gymnastics Fun at Home

    Fun Gymnastics Stuff at Home

    The winter weather blows on, which can make it difficult to get to practice in areas with a lot of ice and snow. Gymnastics is a sport built on strength, so skipping practice can really set a gymnast back in their training. To help the gymnasts stuck at home, or for any gymnasts wanting to stay active on their days off, we’ve put together a list of some fun gymnastics activities you can do at home!

    Before we start, it is incredibly important that your gymnasts stay safe when working on gymnastics skills at home. Without a trained coach there to spot them, it is easier to get injured. There are some skills we don’t recommend they try at home, like advanced tumbling or bars. The best way to do this is to ask your gymnast’s coach what they can safely work on at home.


    Stretching is a simple way to keep up on gymnastics training at home! Gymnastics is all about flexibility, and skipping

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  2. How to Prep for a Great Gymnastics Practice

    Get Ready to have a Great Gymnastics Practice Today!

    Practicing is second nature to most gymnasts. It’s something you do almost every day, after all. It's important to make sure you're in the right frame of mind to make each practice a GREAT one! We've collected some tips and tricks for making each practice the best it can be:

    Make sure you know the days and times that you practice.

    This may seem obvious, but it’s incredibly important to know the days and times of your practices so that you can get the most out of your gym experience and present yourself as a bright and responsible gymnast. It's very disrespectful, and often against the rules, to come to gymnastics practice late. If you're late, you miss out on warming up and stretching with your team. And, some gyms will not allow a gymnast to attend practice if they're late because it is dangerous to work on bars or tumble without properly warming up. It's a good idea to try to get to practice 10-15 minutes

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  3. Ways to Save Money for Gymnastics Leotards

    Ways to Earn Money for Gymnastics Leotards

    Most gymnasts have heard it before: “If you want a new gymnastics leotard, you need to help pay for it.”

    It’s always fun to get a new gymnastic leotard. With new designs coming out all the time, it’s hard to choose just one…or a few…or a LOT! Let’s face it: gymnasts want all the leotards they can get. But a gym parent will only buy so many before the infamous “you need to help pay for it.”

    There are lots of fun and easy ways to save up money to treat yourself to a new leotard! We’ve got a few ideas here:

    Start with a Savings Jar

    Find a piggy bank or jar you can use to save money in. You could even decorate the outside of the jar to make it fun! Put a picture of the leotard you’re saving for on the jar,

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  4. Setting Gymnastics Goals and Rewards

    Set your Gymnastics Goals

    Gymnastics goals: they are something every gymnast needs to improve and grow in this sport. They are what push gymnasts forward and keep them focused on who they want to be and what they want to do. Gymnastics goals can also be very hard to set. You may ask yourself, am I pushing my boundaries enough? Am I pushing them too much? Or am I even moving forward in the right direction? To help you out in setting your gym goals, we’re going to give you some tips on how to set good gym goals, as well as tell you the three gym goal categories to focus on when setting your goals. Finally, we’ll give you some fun ideas for how to reward yourself for achieving your goals!

    How should I set a gymnastics goal?

    Setting gymnastics goals can be challenging at first, but there are a few things you can do to help yourself set personal

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  5. Conquering Fears in Gymnastics

    How to Conquer Fears in Gymnastics

    Conquering fears in gymnastics can be difficult, but it’s a necessary part of not only the sport of gymnastics but also in life. When you overcome your fears, there are so many things that you can do! Today, we’re going to share what some of our Snowflake fans pledge to do without fear, and how you can help yourself to overcome any fear you have! Then, we’ll show a few more messages from the Snowflake family about what gymnastics fear they have overcome!

    Today, I will ____ without fear!



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