Gymnastics Tips and Tricks

Who better to get gymnastics tips and tricks from than gymnastics experts?! Our team here at Snowflake is full of gymnastics experts with a variety of experiences and knowledge in the sport of gymnastics. We have former gymnasts, former & current gymnastics coaches, gymnastics moms, and former dancers on our team that allow us to provide you with the best gymnastics tips and tricks! Read below to become and expert in gymnastics yourself!

  1. Gymnastics Trivia Quiz to Test Your Gym Knowledge

    Game Time!

    Summer is here, which means that it is time for fun and games! Snowflake Designs has the perfect game for all gymnasts: trivia! We have compiled a list of 10 different, gymnastics-themed trivia questions to test your gymnastics knowledge. This game can be played by yourself, with family, or with friends (in-person or through video chat)! We have also provided a print-out that can help you put your answers to paper and keep track of your score.

    Without further ado, here are the Gymnastics Trivia Questions! Have fun, and good luck!

    Question 1: What are the two gymnastics events

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  2. Maintaining Friends at Gymnastics

    Gymnastic besties, gym squad, teammates, family, gym sisters… there are so many different ways to name a gymnast’s friends in the gym. Friendships built in the gym are special and unique from those built in the schoolyard or anywhere else. Gymnastics friendships are built on a mutual love for the sport of gymnastics, and a strong loyalty to your gym. You’re on the same team and work together daily to strengthen your team to perform the best you can in meets. Gymnasts are teammates by chance, but become friends by choice. These athletes spend hours every day together, doing what they love and working hard through easy times and challenges. Because of all this time spent together, many gymnasts call their teammates their gym family, or their gym sisters.

    Last week, we asked you guys on our social media to describe your gym bestie, and we got to hear all the wonderful things about your best friends! We were glad to see so many young gymnasts complimenting each other and sharing how

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  3. Challenge Your Family with Gymnastics

    Challenge Your Family with Gymnastics

    Gymnast's lives are very busy! Running from school to the gym every day means they don't spend a lot of time at home. When gymnasts do get some time at home, that means they can have family time! But what can you do to mix up things at home and have a little family fun? Teach your family gymnastics, of course! We've compiled a few gymnastics "challenges" you can bring to your family to add some fun to your days at home!

    Always remember to stay safe when practicing gymnastics at home! Do not attempt advanced tumbling or bar exercises. Check with your coach for safe exercises to do at home, to make sure you and your family stay safe and injury-free!

    The Outfits

    Before you start your

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  4. Self-Care for Gymnasts

    While it’s good to push yourself and work hard, these things can’t happen if you don’t also practice self-care. Caring for yourself assures that you won’t become tired, overworked, or even unhealthy. Here are some tips for gymnasts to better your mental and physical health.

    Rest and Leisure Time

    Do you get enough sleep? How about leaving enough time for relaxation? Both are very important for your health. You should set your alarms and your bedtime to guarantee that you get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep allows your body to recover from practice and make sure you can perform your best gymnastics the next day. Getting enough sleep also helps you focus and reduces the risk of injuries. Make sure to also leave time during the day to relax and to do things that you enjoy, like drawing or reading. Both of these will help reduce stress and make you feel more refreshed. Going into practice every day with

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  5. How to Prepare for a Gymnastics Meet

    How to Prepare for a Gymnastics Meet

    Before any gymnastics meet, hours of practice have been spent physically and mentally preparing for the competition. However, young gymnasts may still feel overwhelmed with all of the pressure that they put on themselves to do their very best. Here are some tips for how a gymnast at any level can prepare for a gymnastics meet.

    Pack your bag the night before

    It may be obvious, but take the time to pack your bag the night before. If you have to get up at 6 am to drive to the meet across your state, it’s best to grab your packed bag as you leave rather than trying to do it

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